Continuing our discussion on the Task Scheduler issue, we are going to examine another related problem. This time it is the history logs that were not working properly.

After getting the tasks running again, we next noticed that the History tab inside our Task Scheduler was not keeping up to date. Even worse, it seemed like it was stuck out right.


Figure 1.1: Task scheduler history showing incorrect dates/times. Click to enlarge image.

Here we see that the tasks have been running steadily every day at 1pm (all the way up to June 3 at the time of this article) however the History is only reporting that the task was last run on May 25th. Online forums and community posts have said that a simple reboot will kick start the History tracking and re-initializes the processes to get this service working properly. If a reboot cannot be done, then you may need to launch Services and restart the Task Scheduler service. This may also in turn restart your Event Viewer service.

After a reboot, we waited a few days to allow the Task Scheduler to begin re-populating the history logs and then went back to check them out. The History logs are back to collecting and displaying the history of previous tasks run.


Figure 1.2: Task Scheduler history showing correct dates/times. Click to enlarge image.

By |Published On: 18 June 2015|Categories: Applications, Automation, Servers|

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